Portugal - 2012
Short film by António Ferreira
Posfácio works at the clothing factory of Mrs. Cannon and flirts with her daughter Claudette. Everything seems to run beautifully for Posfácio were not terrorist plans of his colleagues from the factory.
Production Company: Persona Non Grata Pictures, Bando á Parte
Directors: Antonio Ferreira
Producer: Rodrigo Areias
PM: Tathiani Sacilotto
DoP: Paulo Castilho
Art Director: Julio Alves
1stAD: Tiago Sousa
Editor: Antonio Ferreira
2012 Festival Internacional de Vila do Conde, Portugal
2012 12º Festival du Court Metrage de Nice, France
2012 Córtex - Festival de C. M. de Sintra, Portugal
2012 XIX Caminhos do Cinema Português, Portugal
2013 Cinema Bloggers Awards, Portugal
2013 CinEuphoria, Portugal - Best Cinematography Award; Best Film - Top short-film Award
2013 Festival du Cinéma de Brive, France
2014 Cineport, Brasil
2018 Lusaka International Film Festival, Zambia